How To Celebrate 710 Day in Denver

How To Celebrate 7/10 Day in Denver


Everyone’s favorite up-and-coming stoner holiday is nearly here. 7/10 has become the second well-known cannabis holiday after 4/20.  On July 10, thousands of cannabis consumers in Colorado will ditch flower for concentrates to mark 7/10, a day dedicated to oil and hash.

What exactly is 7/10?

It is a holiday for people who enjoy cannabis concentrates also know as cannabis extracts. This day is celebrated on the 10th of every July. The reason? Because when you look at the date (710) upside down, it spells “oil.”

Cannabis concentrate products, including extracts sometimes referred to as dabs, are widely consumed today. Many companies offer these products at a discounted price on 7/10 as well. 

There are several essential activities that the cannabis community emphasize during this particular holiday: They include:

  • Coming up with alternative uses for different types of Cannabis concentrates.
  • The basic procedures of dabbing.
  • Finding out extensive information on different cannabis blends.

How was 7/10 started?

Although some sources have documented that a cannabis activist known as Taskrok invented 7/10, it is unknown who exactly invented this cannabis holiday.

According to some sources, TaskRok and his friends were very interested in choosing a specific day to consume cannabis concentrates. TaskRok later settled for July 10th because it spells “OIL” when spelled upside down. 

Since Cannabis oil, extracts and dabs are newer products within the cannabis community, 7/10 is the perfect day to broaden your consumption horizons as a cannabis concentrate user.

What Do You Need to Celebrate 7/10?

As a member of the cannabis community, you will get to celebrate 7/10 only if you’re in a cannabis-legal state.

To celebrate 7/10 effectively, you will need several cannabis concentrates. Greenfields Cannabis Co. will provide you with all the concentrates you will require to celebrate 7/10. The concentrates take different forms, which are;

  • Wax, Sugar Wax, CRC Wax; extracted using a solvent such as C02, Butane, Propane or a blend.
  • Budders, more of a wet consistency; extracted using a solvent such as C02, Butane, Propane or a blend.
  • Shatter, hard breakable consistency; extracted using a solvent such as C02, Butane, Propane or a blend.
  • Rosin, Cold Cure Rosin, Live Rosin; extracted using ice, water & pressure.
  • Live Heads & Water Hash; extracted using ice & water.
  • Moroccan Hash, extracted with ice water & pressure.
  • Lebanese Hash, extracted with ice water & pressure.

The most popular way of consuming cannabis concentrates is through vaping. When vaping, you will place the concentrates in a coil, burn it, then consume.

The other famous method is dabbing. When consuming the extracts through dabbing, you will heat them to the point of vaporization. The beauty of dabbing is that it will give you instant highs and an intense onset, unlike other forms of smoking.

Ways to Celebrate 7/10

1. Take it Slow

Although it is fun to celebrate 7/10 to the fullest, your consumption technique can easily lead to an overdose. Unless you are very experienced in cannabis concentrates consumption, it is advisable to choose less effective consumption techniques.

Dab and wax pens or dab rigs are the best equipment you can use for consumption. The temperature settings in vaporizers are easy to gauge.

2. Celebrate with Friends

Approach 7/10 like any other celebration and find your squad to celebrate the day with.  Not only is it more fun celebrating with friends, but you will also teach each other new techniques.

3. Take it Slow if You’re New.

As a newbie, you should take more minor hits at lower temperatures. Also, choose a consumption technique with a lower ability to generate stronger highs. 

4. Do Not Overdo

Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to: 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder (delusions, hallucinations, or difficulty distinguishing reality); 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problems; 3. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) (uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting); 4. Cannabis use disorder / dependence, including physical and psychological dependence. Please consult the concentrate educational resource for more information and concentrate serving size.

Celebrated 7/10 Day with Greenfield’s Cannabis Co. in Denver

Are you a member of the cannabis community and looking for the best dispensary to supply your Cannabis extracts during 7/10? Greenfields Cannabis Co. offers massive selections at absolutely great prices. For all your 7/10 concentrates orders, click here.


Image Source:  Canna Obscura / Shutterstock