Cannabis Terpenes the Ultimate Guide

What Are Cannabis Terpenes and What Do They Do?


If you’re a cannabis enthusiast who follows everything cannabis, the chances are that you’ve come across the word “terpenes.” Sometimes you find a strain of cannabis, and the first thing you want to do is smell the bud’s fragrance. The terpenes in the plant are responsible for the array of different aromatic smells. Among the 7.6% of adults in Colorado who use cannabis more often, only a few understand what terpenes are. That’s why we created this terpene guide – to provide valuable insights into cannabis terpenes, their role, and the common types of terpenes.

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What Are Terpenes?

Terpenes are naturally occurring, highly aromatic compounds found in many plants. They are responsible for different plants’ flavors, scents, and even colors. Many people associate terpenes with cannabis because of the high concentration of terpenes in the plant.

The aromatic compounds can be extracted and processed to make a wide range of consumer products, including pesticides, cleaning agents, and other products with therapeutic values. Virtually all plants contain terpenes, but only a few are known to have high concentrations of these compounds.

They include:

      • Cannabis
      • Aromatic herbs: sage, rosemary, thyme, lavender, and others.
      • Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemon

Some people use the terms “terpenes” and “terpenoids” interchangeably. The two are not the same. The former is the naturally occurring form of the compound found in live cannabis plants, for example. As the plant dries and cures, the terpenes become oxidized, and the resulting compounds are known as terpenoids.

What Do Terpenes Do?

There’s still little research on the effect of terpenes on humans. Still, cannabis researchers, retailers, and consumers in Denver, CO, are increasingly looking at the concentration of cannabis terpenes to classify cannabis products and predict the plant’s effects.

Scientists base their studies on the hypothesis that the terpene profile of any cannabis strain works together with the main cannabinoids – such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol – to enhance the effects associated with the benefits of an individual strain.

Terpenes play a crucial role in plants. In some plants, the sweet scent they produce attracts pollinators. In others, the scent is used as a defensive mechanism, repelling predators, such as insects and foraging animals.

Some terpenes play a vital role in plants’ health as they fasten the recovery from damage; others are an integral part of a plant’s immune system, fighting disease-causing germs.

How Many Types of Terpenes are there?

The cannabis plant is known to have over 400 terpenes, but scientists have only isolated a few that are linked to specific effects. Below are six of the most prominent terpenes and their potential effects:


You’ll find beta-caryophyllene in various herbs and spices, including black pepper, rosemary, cloves, and hops. One of its health benefits is that it’s a crucial ingredient in potentially managing certain needs of cannabis consumers such as body distort or mood.


If you’ve walked in a coniferous forest, you probably have smelled pinene. It is the most abundant terpene in nature, found in pine trees, Spanish sage, and cannabis. Beta-pinene may also have the potential to aid in improving mood.


You’ll find humulene in cannabis, ginseng, and sage. Ginseng has long been used in folk medicine thanks to its energizing effects.


Limonene is the terpene responsible for citrus fruits’ distinct smell and taste, especially in the lemon/orange rind. It’s also linked to several therapeutic health benefits like discomfort relief and mood improvement.


If you love the scent of lavender during your aromatherapy, it’s because the flower contains linalool. The terpene is also found in cannabis and may hold properties that may offer benefits like pain relief and general overall upbeat feelings throughout the day.


Myrcene is one of the most abundant cannabis terpenes found in mangoes, lemongrass, thyme, parsley, cardamom, and basil. It has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

Shop South Denver’s Best Selection of Cannabis Products

At Greenfields Cannabis Co., our dispensaries menus are always full of a wide variety of cannabis products with varying terpene concentrations, so you can always find your favorite one! Greenfields has some of the best deals and selections for cannabis concentrates and products in all of Colorado, providing you with cost-saving opportunities while giving you access to premium products. Contact us or visit one of our dispensaries for answers to your questions and help with any products.

Image Source: Gleti / Shutterstock

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